We believe in giving back to God what He has graciously given.

Online Giving

Thank you for supporting our church! To help make it easier for you to support the ministries of Calgary First Church, we are pleased to offer an online giving option below:

Ways to Give


Donating through the ChurchCenter app is quick and easy. In the app you can also manage your giving preferences and access your giving history.

Automatic Withdrawal

If you wish to have an automatic withdrawal done each month, please complete this form below


Please send your giving via Interac ETransfer to donate@firstnaz.ca. Ensure that if you want to designate the donation to one of our ministry areas you note this in the description, otherwise it will go to our General Tithes.


If you wish to mail your giving or give via cheque, please make it out to:

First Church of the Nazarene

65 Richard Way SW
Calgary, AB
T3E 7M8

There is also a secure box at the back of our sanctuary where you may drop off a donation.

Where does the money go?

Charitable Giving Receipts

All charitable giving receipts will be sent to the email address on your profile by the end of February for the previous calendar year.  If you don’t see it in your email you will need to log in. To log in, click on the button above, log in, and click “My Giving”.

If you have trouble accessing your information or if you would like a hard copy please contact our Director of OperationsNote that a hard copy is not required by CRA (a digital copy is sufficient).

If we do not have your email address or mailing address on file we will not be able to send your receipt to you, so please make sure your information is up-to-date!

Our online giving is supported by Planning Center Online.

Please provide your legal name and address for tax receipt purposes. Designated gifts are restricted to Board of Directors approved programs. We attempt to honour all gifts designated to approved programs but reserve the right to use these gifts for other purposes as determined by our Board. All donations are subject to our Designated Giving Policy.  Please direct questions to our Director of Operations.