NMI Prayer Update

May 6, 2022 9:31 AM
PRAISE and prayer for:

- the Church of the Nazarene in Cabo Verde (the Cape Verdian Islands)  a 10-island country about 300 miles (483 kilometers) off the west coast of Africa. The official language is Portuguese. Cabo Verde is the third oldest Nazarene global missions ministry. The work in Cabo Verde began in 1901. There are now two districts with the Church of the Nazarene being the largest Protestant presence in the country.                                                        ---Cabo Verde is a sending country, sending missionaries to serve around the world.

Also. In 2009, Cabo Verdean Eugénio Duarte was elected as the 37th general superintendent for the Church of the Nazarene.

58 Fully Organized Churches 6 Not yet Organized,  53 Ordained and 24 District Licensed Ministers,  9369 Members and 5 missionaries

-  Cabo Verdians thank God for:

---an outreach event allowing NMI to minister to children and mothers. Through this outreach event, some children prayed and accepted Jesus into their hearts. Mothers were also given gifts and Bibles.

---the first NMI council at the New Hope Church in Eugenio Lima

---the event supported by NMI celebrating Cabo Verdean Women's Day.

---the Church of the Nazarene in Cabo Verde recently celebrated its 120th anniversary.


-  CRW  (Compassionate Resource Warehouse-Victoria)

CRW has experienced many changes this past week:: We had a load for Kenya this week and it was on again-off again. Now delayed until June We had to move 12 pallets from a storage into another storage area- and voila- some of these are now for next week.

As of Friday we have a load next week for Ukraine-Poland.


-  NCM (Nazarene Compassionate Ministries) continues to provide funds for pastors living in the Ukraine who are helping displaced families with transport out of areas being targeted by missiles, transport to bordering countries, with needed food and medicine, and with other basic necessities


PRAY for:

-  The Church of the Nazarene in Cabo Verde

---Cabo Verdians serving as missionaries around the world -  Currently, there are Cabo Verdean missionaries in Senegal, São Tomé and Príncipe, Guinea Bissau, and Angola. The expectation, Field Representative Gomis says, “is that the new generations of Cabo Verdean Nazarenes will also be part of God's missions in more countries in Africa.”

---the pastors and their families in Cabo Verde.

---the people as God continues to speak - to raise up new leaders and to create opportunities for them to be trained.



---It is now 65 days since the Ukrainian Invasion started. More than 5.4 million people are now refugees in different countries and more than 7.7 million people are now Internally displaced within Ukraine. The Church of the Nazarene continues mobilizing volunteers and Humanitarian AID to support thousands of people in need.

---Thank again to all the people who have been donating for this emergency response through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM).

---Thanks to all for your prayers for our people

---Thanks to  all for your prayers for those serving refugees and especially those risking their lives in Ukraine, distributing Humanitarian AID among our churches. Our God is merciful and continues protecting our people and vehicles.