In-House Audio Tech

Online Training:

Click here to watch a series of YouTube videos from Drew Brashler

In-Person Training:

You will be given the opportunity to shadow our audio techs for a few Sundays and gradually take more responsibility for the audio mix each week. You must demonstrate your competencies before operating solo.

At First Naz we use the following stage equipment (some items may be clicked on for more info):
  • Shure SM58 microphone for vocalists
  • Shure SM57 microphone for some instruments/choirs
  • Note: these are condenser microphones and therefore require 48v phantom power

  • Behringer P16 for in-ear monitors
  • DI box (passive) to convert an audio signal into one that is usable by our sound board. We typically use this for guitar, keyboard, or iPad/iPhone sources. Here are a few features you should know:

  • Input: the 1/4 inch TRS cable from the audio source goes in here
  • Thru: a 1/4 inch TRS cable from the DI box to an amp (we don’t usually use this)
  • Pad: a switch to “dampen” the audio signal by preset dB levels. Keep this at “0” unless necessary
  • Pin: a ground pin to help reduce 60 Hz humming sound. If you are hearing a hum from this source, try switching the pin.
  • Polarity: to change the phase of the signal (don’t usually need to use this)
  • Filter: cuts the low frequencies from the signal. You can use this if needed, but try to keep all your EQ changes at the mixer.

  • XLR cable: standard audio 3-pin locking cable
  • 1/4 inch (and 1/8 inch) TS or TRS cables
  • 1/4 inch is your standard instrument cable and 1/8 inch is your standard headphone jack
  • TS or TRS stand for Tip-Sleeve or Tip-Ring-Sleeve and look like THIS

  • Roland RD-600 keyboard
  • Connect the 1/4 inch TRS from the DI box to the L(Mono) output
  • Connect the pedal cable to the Damper

  • Pulpit mic (gooseneck)
  • This is a condenser mic and needs 48v phantom power

  • Headphones: bring your own pair. If you don’t have one, I recommend the Sennheiser HD280PRO

    In addition, you’ll need to know about our backstage storage areas:

  • Audio cupboard
  • Here is where you’ll find all your audio cables, microphones, and power extension cords

  • Monitor cupboard
  • Here is where you’ll find the stage monitors

  • Wireless equipment
  • We have a charging station for our wireless Sennheiser equipment
  • Wireless 1, 2, and Handheld Sennheiser all have rechargeable batteries
  • Wireless 3 and Handheld Shure require regular batteries
  • Each headset is adjusted for a specific person, so please ensure you use the correct headset
  • There is also a lavalier (lapel) mic available

We use the Behringer X32 mixer. For more info on how to use this mixer in general, ensure you have watched THESE Drew Brashler videos.

  • Mid-week communication: check PCO Services to see what sort of setup will be in place on the upcoming Sunday. If you haven’t mixed a song before, check it out on YouTube and pay attention to how it is mixed. 

 Pre-Service (Sunday)
  • Arrive on time. The schedule is listed in PCO Services and below. If you are going to be late, call the Director of Operations to let him know. Life happens, but try to not make a habit of being late.
  • Talk with the worship leader. Check in with him or her to see if any of their band members’ needs have changed or need to be met.
  • Review the service schedule. A printed copy will be available at the Production Booth. Feel free to take notes and markup your copy.
  • Do a line check: confirm each audio source is working
  • Do a sound check: pay close attention as the band runs through the first verse/chorus of a song and try to get their levels set. Once they run through the song, they will adjust their IEMs and let you know if anything needs to be changed on stage.
  • Take notes as the band practices each song. Note especially any instrument solos, change in lead vocalist, or spoken word segments (as you will need to turn off any vocal effects for that portion)
  • Check the wireless microphones for battery levels and signal. Help any speakers with putting on their microphone as needed.
  • Be at the mixer at least 15 minutes prior to service. Once the doors open you should be at your station.
  • Pass out Hearing Assist devices as requested. Check each one for a good battery before giving it out.
  • Expect last minute requests: we try to mitigate these, but the reality is they sometimes happen and you need to be ready to handle them.

Service Time
  • Perform active mixing. Make mix changes that benefit the sound and are noticeable by the congregation. Anticipate what is about to happen on stage (good or bad) and be ready for what the service will throw at you.
  • Confirm your audio sends (are you sending to the Hearing Assist devices?)
  • Take notes of any issues that arise so they can be dealt with after the service (either with a specific musician/vocalist or with the Director of Operations).

  • Check in with the worship leader and musicians. Find out if they had any problems.
  • Collect and store Hearing Assist devices
  • Resolve any noted issues

Sunday Schedule

7:45 AM: Audio Tech arrives to finalize setup

8:00 AM: Band begins rehearsal

9:30 AM: Band finishes rehearsal & Pre-Service Meeting Begins

9:45 AM: Doors open

9:55 AM: Countdown starts

10:00 AM: Service Begins

*Unless there is a special event, holiday, or other circumstance, we keep the schedule above each week to ensure that each element of the Sunday service starts on time.
Punctuality is key to maintaining this schedule and helping ensure that everything runs smoothly each week.