Kids Ministry & COVID Update
January 11, 2022 2:40 PM
Alberta Health Update
A PAUSE ON IN-PERSON SUNDAY SCHOOLParents and Volunteers have voiced their concerns, and we as leaders at First Naz are responding. As community transmission is at an all time high here in Alberta, we are pressing pause on in-person Sunday School.
ONLINE SUNDAY SCHOOL Fortunately, the curriculum we are using for our kids also has great stuff for Online Sunday School! Our theme coming up is Day at the Museum, and it is sure to be a fun one as we learn about the early life and ministry of Jesus Christ. Each week, parents will receive an email. In that email will be video presentations and components parents can either print off or gather for their kids to have a fun and meaningful Sunday School experience! Contact Pastor Tammy or the church office if you are not already receiving the parent emails.
FOR THOSE ATTENDING CHURCH Feel free to give your kids the iPad and earphones to listen to our online Sunday School right in the sanctuary.
We are continuing to hold in-person services at 1/3 capacity. You do not have to register but please wear a mask and practice social distancing. There is no requirement to show vaccine status to attend Sunday services.
Contact your ministry and life group leaders for further updates on your groups or the church office at Thank you for your patience as we continue to review the new guidelines.
In accordance with the Calgary bylaw, all building rentals (including weddings and funerals) must use the Restriction Exemption Program. This means that, in order to attend these events, you will be required to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test.