PRAISE and prayer for:
- Jesus Film Harvest Partners (Puerto Rico)Team report: “We screened the JESUS film in a populated area. Many children brought their parents because they wanted to see the movie. We thank God for rescuing Don Manuel through this showing. Touched by the Lord, and professing his faith with tears in his eyes, Manuel told us he needed the Lord in this pandemic. God has started to do great things in this place. We long to plant a new church, and pray this effort will bear fruit.”
- from missionaries Hayley and Andrew Tarrant in Poland…A big thank you to the wonderful volunteers from Scotland (Work & Witness – British Isles North District) who worked diligently renovating our kitchen – “Sweet Surrender” – in Poznan. It was great having both our Scottish and Ukrainian teams working together. This Coffee Cafe has many opportunities for ministry. Dobry Start Kids Club happens there on Saturdays. The Club is for children ages 4-11 years old, but adults are welcome to stay and enjoy tea, coffee and snacks. Lunch will be provided for children. At the same time, we also offer Polish lessons. So while the children are in Club, you can learn Polish!
- in early May, youth in Bangladesh spent 3 days together for their National Discipleship Youth Conference. All 5 Districts were represented by 265 young people and many ministry leaders who were there to support and encourage them! Around the theme ‘BE ONE. MAKE ONE’, participating in group work, worship services, games and activities, the young people expressed heartfelt gratitude for having such a wonderful opportunity to attend the Conference despite many challenges of even getting bus or train tickets. Alen Bala, NYI President South District of Bangladesh said, “We have waited and prayed for 3 years to make this event happen!” Let us join in prayer for young people and youth leaders in Bangladesh as they seek to live lives that honour God and serve Him in their local churches and communities.
PRAY for:
- the Upcoming Reunion JUNE 17 + 18 (District NMI Convention) which will be online. President Myrna is encouraging every Local NMI (church) to have a gathering Friday evening. We can invite everyone to attend our local church to take part in, celebrate and listen/watch the special evening’s program. Special speaker, Special music, Special time plus your own fellowship.
- Missionaries coming to Family Camp Martin and Cezi Glendenning, who have been heavily involved with the Ukrainian refugee crisis. Martin is in Poland working with them. Cezi has been there recently, going to the train station to meet and welcome refugees. Pray for daily strength and protection. Meet them at camp!
- the church-planting project called “RENUEVA” IN MEXICO. The goal is to raise up 250 young adults to become church planters.
- Jesus Film Harvest Partners (JFHP) in Puerto Rico: 6 Teams, 49 Team members, 2 Languages
- for urban areas with great spiritual needs are where teams are working. Many people face poverty, drug addictions, and despair. Pray teams can be light in the darkness to share God’s compassion, love, and care.
- in June, Nazarene mission teams will be working with evangelistic and other ministries in Puerto Rico to plant churches, host medical clinics, and serve communities. Pray this is a fruitful time where many are impacted by the gospel.
- for Puerto Ricans as they continue to recover from the devastation caused by Hurricane María
- (CRW) the Compassionate Resource Warehouse – Victoria has sent a request The Sewing team is in need of SEWING NOTIONS! Sewing Kits to send in shipments, as well as Teaching Sewing Kits for classroom settings help people in creating their own business or in sewing for their families. The following are requested: straight pins, thread, elastic, small sharp scissors, lace, ribbon, thimbles, yes- even buttons:) plus other notions, TINS or small plastic containers with screw lids – to pack them in Thank you for cleaning out your cupboard- and your neighbors:)